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The event seeks to bring together researchers interested in the potential of large electronic corpora as a methodological tool for grammatical and discursive analysis.  Specifically, we seek to contemplate studies aimed, on the one hand, at the field of  Usage-Based Linguistics / Cognitive Linguistics and, on the other, at the field of Discourse Analysis / Applied Linguistics, in its interface with different areas of knowledge. 


Lectures, round tables and communication sessions are planned in the following areas: “corpus and discourse” and “corpus and grammar”. In addition, the event will offer a practical workshop on applying corpus-based methodology to grammatical analysis (more information about the workshop will be made available in the future).

Confirmed presentations


Augusto Soares da Silva
(Universidade Católica Portuguesa)


Elena Semino (Lancaster University)


Tiago Torrent (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora)


Vittorio Tantucci (Lancaster University)


  • 08:00

  • 08:30 
    Palestra 1: Elena Semino (Lancaster University)
    Título: A corpus linguistic approach to vaccination discourse
    Local: Sala LF 42

  • 10:10
    Mesa-redonda 1: Corpus e discurso
    ⭢ Solange Vereza (UFF): 
    "A cognitive-discursive approach to the analysis of metaphor in general and specific corpora" 

    ⭢ Liana Biar (PUC-Rio):
    "Corpus-assisted notes on the representation of Venezuelan immigration in the
    Brazilian press"

    ⭢ João Pedro Pádua (UFF):
    "ChatGPT, please analyze this discourse: large language models and corpora in
    discourse analysis"
    Local: Sala LF 42


  • 11:40 


  • 13:00 
    Sessões de comunicação 1 e 2

    Sessão 1 – Discurso: Sala LF 42
    Sessão 2 – Gramática: Sala LF 32


  • 15:05 

    Local: Sala LF 42

  • 15:30 
    Sessão de comunicação 3 – Discurso
    Sessão 3: Sala LF 42



Two types of participation:

  • participation with oral communication presentation
    from March 

  • participation as a listener
    Value: 50 reais. Payment invoices will be generated after sending the acceptance letters.

    Interested parties must fill out the form below, with a summary of 300 to 400 words (in Portuguese or English): 


PUC- Rio - R. Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22451-045, Brazil
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